Coordinators and Tab Bars: A Love Story

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Leo here. The day has come and we will talk about Coordinators and Tab Bars in Swift and how they can greatly work together. This will be a very long and interesting(I hope) post because the subject today is… Architecture, more specifically coordinator pattern. The coordinator pattern comes to help the […]
MapKit Annotations Animations

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Leo here. The topic today is MapKit Annotations Animations. We’ll do some explorations in MapKit. If you are into MapKit, a huge fan of maps, a cartographer (never knows), or just want to know how to auto resize a map base in two annotations, this post is for you. MapKit is […]
Using Aspect Ratio with Auto Layout in iOS

Hello friends, Leo here. The topic today is how to use aspect ratio with Auto Layout in iOS development. Today we’ll quickly explore a problem with images and layouts. Aspect ratio is an important feature to master because nowadays we have a bunch of screen sizes, this implies layout changing regarding the width and the height […]
UITableViewCells Separator having screen width in Swift

Hello guys Leo here. Today we will talk about UITableViewCells separator and how you can make them go all the width of the screen. By default, Apple does the separator to be just a guideline to our eyes, and not literally a separator to all the content. This way the aesthetics of it is not […]
UIViewController Memory Warning on Unit Tests

Hello brothers and sisters, Leo here. Today’s topic is how to trigger the UIViewController memory warning on your unit tests in Swift. We’ll explore some *hacks* to trigger the memory on the UIViewController. Let’s go! Problem – The UIViewController memory warning You have to test the code inside the didReceiveMemoryWarning() method from a view controller in […]
How to update a view when returning from background

Hello, my fellow developers, Leo here. Today we will learn how to update a view when returning from the background. Today we’ll dive into a problem that I certainly all iOS developers face from time to time and because of apple’s API wording the solution isn’t intuitive as it should be. Let’s explore this edge […]
The Cartesian Plane and iOS Auto Layout

Hello guys, Leo here. Auto Layout is an amazing topic and we will explain how what is its coordinate system. Today we’ll discuss something about auto layout that may confuse many iOS developers and that’s the Auto Layout Cartesian Plane. I bet you were thinking it was just a high school subject, right? Let’s code! […]
Dynamic UICollectionViewCell size and Device Orientation

Hello my people, Leo Here. Today I’ll show you how to set a dynamic size of a UICollectionViewCell based on device orientation. It’s simple but requires a little bit of lifecycle understanding. To achieve that, you will manipulate the *willTransition* method inside your UIViewController. Using UICollectionViewCells can be very easy and intuitive, but things begin to […]
The Death of View Lifecycle

Hello people, Leo here. Today I want to explain what was the old view lifecycle and why it’s already obsolete. First of all, what I’m calling the “old view life cycle” is technically the UIView lifecycle. It has some method that we can override to enable our screen to behave the way and when we wanted. […]
How many points height my buttons (controls) should have?

Hi guys, Here in my blog, I’ll try to be as straightforward as possible. So… The answer is 44×44 AT MINIMUM. You can check for yourself in Apple’s human interface guidelines Extra UI tip: avoid putting controls in your app’s screen corners, because it can be difficult areas for people to reach comfortably. That’s all my […]