Save Time With User Breakpoints in Xcode
Hallo allemaal, Leo hier. Today we will give some life quality improvement advice using User Breakpoints in Xcode and this is probably one of the most important articles I’ve ever written because this can save a huge amount of your time. I don’t know if it is common sense or was just me that didn’t know […]
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters in Swift
Hallo vrienden en familie, Leo hier. Today we will solve an interesting algorithm called Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters in Swift. That algorithm is solved with a very common tactic on algorithmic challenges called the “Sliding Window” technique/pattern. But what is that? The sliding window pattern consists in create a range, with beginning and end, […]
New BackgroundTask in SwiftUI and How to Test It
Hallo bakkers en brandweerlieden, Leo hier. Today we will talk about how to implement BackgroundTask in SwiftUI and how to test it. In 2019, Apple released an API called BackgroundTask. The main goal was to keep your app’s content fresh and perform operations that will take a few minutes to finish while it is running in the […]
Linked List Problem – Add Two Numbers in Swift
Hallo dames en heren, Leo hier. Today we will explore the Leetcode linked list problem called Add Two Numbers in Swift. The problem involves we apply the adding operations to two linked lists. It is not a complex problem but you should know how to traverse a linked list to solve it. Keeping the actual […]
Exploring SwiftUI Redraw Behavior with Instruments
Hallo spelers en gokkers, Leo hier. Today we will do something I was curious about and is exploring SwiftUI redraw behavior with a simple App. I started to study SwiftUI recently and I can already say that this framework is a delight to work with. To do simple apps and make things is really straightforward. […]
Two Sum Problem in Swift
Hallo beren en zalmen, Leo hier. Today we will solve the very first Leetcode challenge called the Two Sum problem in Swift. This problem looks very simple at first. You just have to traverse the array with two loops and find what is asked. But that is the best approach? What if we could optimize the […]
New MapKit Configurations with SwiftUI
Hallo wandelaars en hardlopers, Leo hier. Today we will make a really fun project exploring all the new MapKit configurations with SwiftUI. I’m loving learning SwiftUI and although I’m really new to it, I can see why so many people love this framework. The speed and the expressiveness that you can achieve with a few […]
How to update or refresh Widget and Siri Intent programmatically in Swift for WatchOS?
Hallo vrienden, Leo hier. Today we will talk about how to update or refresh Widget and Siri Intent programmatically in your iOS codebase. This will be a very short post. I’ve spent some time working on the new lock screen widgets lately, and they are easy to do but not so easy to maintain. Debugging […]
Memento Pattern with SwiftUI
Hallo allemaal, Leo hier. I’m glad to announce that we will study one of the classic twenty-three design patterns, we will create an implementation of the Memento pattern in SwiftUI. We will mix a very old technique with the new UI framework in this tutorial article. The main motivation to start studying this was a […]
Structs, Classes, and Actors in iOS Interviews
Hallo vrienden, Leo hier. Today we will talk about structs, classes, and actors in the context of iOS developer interviews. I’m very happy to announce that this is my first on the new platform and I have a lot of plans to expand this blog throughout the years. Thanks to everyone that supported me until […]