Iteratively Reverse Linked List in Swift

Hallo vrienden, Leo hier. Today’s topic is how to Iteratively Reverse Linked List in Swift and how to reverse linked lists can be useful for you. This post will be very brief and very important to all involved in algorithms. Reversing Linked Lists is a legendary challenge as a common place to algorithm students. It’s […]
Linked Lists with Sequence and IteratorProtocol in Swift

Hallo iedereen, Leo hier. The topic today is how to create Linked Lists with Sequence and IteratorProtocol in Swift. This week I came up with a problem with Linked Lists. Although they are very simple to construct in Swift, you can power up them to use Swift sugar syntax for-in loop operation to help yourself […]
Merge Two Binary Trees In Swift

Hoi vrienden, Leo hier. The topic today is how to merge two binary trees in Swift and why you should learn that amazing algorithm. Today we will solve this algorithm question that uses binary trees and recursion to achieve a really nice solution. Trees algorithms usually use recursion because it’s easier to reason about it, […]
Using Tuples to do Sorting Operations in Swift

Hallo mannen en vrouwen, Leo hier. Today’s topic is how to do Tuples to do Sorting Operations in Swift. We will explore a lot of sorting possibilities using tuples. The sorting operation is pretty straightforward in Swift and can be used automatically with types that conform to comparable. Sorting operations are very important to show […]
Solving Eight Puzzle with A* Algorithm in Swift

Hallo vrienden, Leo hier. The topic today is the legendary graph A* Algorithm in Swift also called A Start algorithm. We’ll talk about a very great graph search algorithm called A* ( A Star). This algorithm’s main objective is to find the path in the graph based on some conditions that you can choose, also […]
Tree Pruning Algorithm in Swift

Hello passionate coders, Leo here. The topic that we will study today is the binary Tree Pruning Algorithm in Swift. We’ll continue the Algorithms series here. The algorithm involves binary tree data structure and some recursion, stay here to explore this challenge. The problem statement you can find and test at the awesome Leetcode site. This […]
Algorithms: Squares of a Sorted Array in Swift

Hello, my comrades, Leo here. The day has come and we are solving the Squares of a Sorted Array in Swift. We’ll continue the algorithm series by solving a classic Two Pointer technique. So let’s go to the problem. The problem You have a list of sorted integers and you want to create a […]
Merge Two Linked Lists in Swift

Hello everyone, Leo here. This is the swift algorithm series and today we’ll explore a very common linked list problem Merge two sorted linked lists in Swift. Not very often when you are dealing with linked lists do you have to deal with pointers. One example is when you have to find if a linked list […]
Algorithms – Longest Increasing Subsequence in Swift

Hello everyone, Leo here. Today we’ll explore one of the Longest Increasing Subsequence in Swift, also known as LIS problems. The LIS is a very classic problem of computer science and has various approaches. Today we’ll examine the Dynamic Programming approach because it is very straighforward. Remember the dynamic programming solution is NOT the optimal solution, […]
BFS and DFS Templates Algorithms in Swift

Hello everyone, Leo here. The topic today is BFS and DFS templates algorithms for problems and what is the minimum code you can have to achieve them in Swift. Today we’ll explore two very important concepts that are crucial for problem-solving that involves traversing graphs, trees, etc. Those two algorithms are the foundation of knowledge […]