Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters in Swift

Hallo vrienden en familie, Leo hier. Today we will solve an interesting algorithm called Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters in Swift. That algorithm is solved with a very common tactic on algorithmic challenges called the “Sliding Window” technique/pattern. But what is that? The sliding window pattern consists in create a range, with beginning and end, […]
Linked List Problem – Add Two Numbers in Swift

Hallo dames en heren, Leo hier. Today we will explore the Leetcode linked list problem called Add Two Numbers in Swift. The problem involves we apply the adding operations to two linked lists. It is not a complex problem but you should know how to traverse a linked list to solve it. Keeping the actual […]
Recreating C++ atoi Function in Swift

Hallo iedereen, Leo hier. Today’s topic is how to solve a Leetcode problem that asks to recreate the atoi function in Swift that C/C++ has. This article is inspired by a Leetcode problem number 8 that is Integer to String(atoi) and we will solve that using Swift. We also have something interesting about integers in […]
Algorithm: Binary Tree Right Side View in Swift

Hallo vrienden, Leo hier. The Leetcode problem we will solve today is called Binary Tree Right Side View. We will explore a binary tree problem. Binary tree problems usually are down to two main approaches, breadth-first search, and depth-first search, which are BFS and DFS respectively. In our case, we will use BFS, because it […]
Algorithm No Repeats Please in Swift

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Leo here. Today we’ll continue the series Algorithms, the Final Frontier. Always remember, this is ONE of many possible solutions for the problem. The challenge today involves permutation and it algorithm is called No repeats Please a legendary Leetcode challenge. Algorithms are a very important part of our day-to-day job and it […]