Privacy-first approach to hardware and software products is what Apple wants to be remembered for. While the company has introduced essential features, such as Sign In With Apple, end-to-end encryption to iMessage and FaceTime, and more, there are some features coming to iOS 16 that are not currently available. This is how Apple could fix this before the new OS is released.

It has become an essential part of people’s lives. Our photos, videos, messages, contacts, bank information, and more are stored in one device. Even though regular users can be reassured that they are protected with their two-step verification process, some people just want to have an extra layer of protection.

Criminals can access bank information with the unlocked iPhone in a few minutes, according to 9to5Mac. The problem is not the only one. The person with access to your four or six-digit PIN can do anything on your phone. If you add Face ID protection to Microsoft Outlook, you can access the user’s messages, but at the same time, you can type a six-digit password. It is a big deal that someone can reset your Apple ID password with these digits.

One feature I always liked was the ability to lock a note on the Notes app with a different PIN. You can use the Notes app to lock your phone when it turns off, and you can also do it with the phone.

Apple is planning to add convenience over protection with the new operating system. When you open the Notes app for the first time, it tells you that you need to remember one less password. I get that this could be helpful, but I am telling you why this is a concern.

The other bad feature is that it is aimed at convenience. It has been a while since users could store their credit card information with Keychain, but Apple thought it was a great idea to allow users to store the card’s security code. Apple can help you fill in most of your credit card information, but you have to remember your security code, that’s what makes it secure, after all, said Craig Federighi back in 2013).

Why is this different now?


How to solve these privacy concerns with iOS 16?

I think Apple should just remove the specific features. I don’t see how Apple doesn’t think that raising the number of stolen phones in some regions is a problem because most of these functions come with the idea that no one knows your six-digit pin.

This might not be an issue across the globe but it makes the experience less secure. Adding different passwords is a good idea for some apps.

I would strongly recommend Apple stop allowing someone to reset an Apple ID password with a six-digit pin. It is too risky to do. I strongly recommend third-party apps that can better protect your data, since the company doesn’t address these issues with iOS 16. 1Password and 2Stable’s Authenticator app let you save your credentials with E2E without using Touch ID or Face ID as you can add a different password.

It’s a great way to store photos and documents with passwords. I still want Apple to introduce a secure folder so users can protect their data.

What do you think about these privacy features? Do you think I’m right?


Apple Security Updates

You can check all the Apple software updates that relates to security here. It is a really interesting list that can help you get a grasp on how insecure things can be in the world of Apple.