Three Ways to Refactor Massive SwiftUI Views

Hallo vorken en lepels, Leo hier. Today we will discuss three ways to refactor massive SwiftUI Views. I’ve done a couple of courses with the RayWenderlich platform now. All of them present you with the SwiftUI feature of breaking massive views into smaller ones. In the courses, I learned how to use the View protocol […]
Creating a Login Screen in SwiftUI

Hallo fiets en auto’s, Leo hier. Today we will create a very simple Login Screen in SwiftUI. First I have to tell a little tale. As I grew up and became more and more responsible for more things than just myself, I was becoming more and more cautious about the time I spent doing something. […]
Accordion in SwiftUI – DisclosureGroup Explorations

Hallo allemaal, Leo hier. Today we will explore the UI component called Accordion in SwiftUI. The accordion component is a vertical stack (or a single one) of interactive headings, used to toggle the exhibit of further data, each item can be, therefore hidden with just a short title visible or shown to show the full content. […]
New BackgroundTask in SwiftUI and How to Test It

Hallo bakkers en brandweerlieden, Leo hier. Today we will talk about how to implement BackgroundTask in SwiftUI and how to test it. In 2019, Apple released an API called BackgroundTask. The main goal was to keep your app’s content fresh and perform operations that will take a few minutes to finish while it is running in the […]
Exploring SwiftUI Redraw Behavior with Instruments

Hallo spelers en gokkers, Leo hier. Today we will do something I was curious about and is exploring SwiftUI redraw behavior with a simple App. I started to study SwiftUI recently and I can already say that this framework is a delight to work with. To do simple apps and make things is really straightforward. […]
New MapKit Configurations with SwiftUI

Hallo wandelaars en hardlopers, Leo hier. Today we will make a really fun project exploring all the new MapKit configurations with SwiftUI. I’m loving learning SwiftUI and although I’m really new to it, I can see why so many people love this framework. The speed and the expressiveness that you can achieve with a few […]
SwiftUI Toast in UIKit

Hallo knap en mooi, Leo hier. Today we will explore how you can use an animated SwiftUI Toast in UIKit. This is a scorching topic since we are walking slowly but surely toward all apps having SwiftUI as the primary UI framework. Don’t blame yourself if you already don’t know how to use SwiftUI properly, no […]