1 Year Blogging an Unexpected lessons I’ve learned

Hello princesses and princes, Leo here. This will be a 1 Year Blogging celebration post. I want to cheer all the readers that have been reading so far, and I’m excited for the new journey ahead. This post is not to be only me blabbing around wishful words, I’ll add some code just for fun. The painting […]
MapKit Annotations Animations

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Leo here. The topic today is MapKit Annotations Animations. We’ll do some explorations in MapKit. If you are into MapKit, a huge fan of maps, a cartographer (never knows), or just want to know how to auto resize a map base in two annotations, this post is for you. MapKit is […]
Frameworks: embed or not embed that’s the question

Hello, my fellow peers, Leo here. We will study how to embed or not embed a framework like static and dynamic libraries in your architecture. Today we’ll explore one thing that I recently discovered and I want to share with you all. When you create a framework in iOS development it can be various things, […]
Box Pattern in Swift

Hello, my brilliant readers, Leo here. Today we will learn about the Box Pattern in Swift. We’ll explore one of the oldest reactive techniques that you can easily implement in pure Swift. But why would you do that if you have Combine or RxSwift. Well, maybe you don’t want to add all the complexity of […]
The lesser-known Dictionary Initialisers in Swift

Hello witches and werewolves, Leo here. The topic today is Dictionary Initialisers in Swift. Today we’ll explore some Swift Standard Library. It is all about the lesser known Dictionary initializers, recently I discovered that Dictionaries in Swift have 7, yes you read it right, SEVEN different initializers that you can take advantage of on your […]
Handling API Response Hierarchy in Swift

Hello my fellow sorcerers and witches, Leo here. The topic today is how Handling API Response Hierarchy in Swift is important. Today we’ll explore some parsing magic that you can do to handle the way your API deal with JSON. It’s an important topic because oftentimes your backend APIs will send you data that isn’t […]
Project a Value From a Property Wrapper

Hello boys and girls, Leo here. I’m very excited to inform you all that today we will talk about how to project a value from a property wrapper. Today we will explore one great feature of property wrappers, the projected value. It is very useful when you want to have a little more info about […]
AssociatedType in Swift – A Generic Adventure

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Leo here. Today we’ll explore a great language feature called associatedtype in Swift. In general terms, associatedtype is used when you need to have generic behavior in your protocols. It’s important because as Apple says: Generic code enables you to write flexible, reusable functions and types that can work with any type, […]
Copy-on-write in Swift

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Leo here. The day has come and we will talk about Copy-on-write in Swift. Yes, this is one of the most important features of the Swift programming language and all iOS developers should know what and how this happens under the hood. First, we will introduce the differences between value types […]
Using Cryptography Asymmetric Keys in Swift

Hello, fellow tech developers, Leo here. Do you ever consider studying or using Cryptography Asymmetric Keys in Swift? My hope is that this article helps you on solving your cryptography problems. Having cryptographic problems is not easy, so let’s try to make that a little bit more intuitive today. This week we’ll explore some old […]