Linked List Problem – Add Two Numbers in Swift

Hallo dames en heren, Leo hier. Today we will explore the Leetcode linked list problem called Add Two Numbers in Swift. The problem involves we apply the adding operations to two linked lists. It is not a complex problem but you should know how to traverse a linked list to solve it. Keeping the actual […]
Odd Even Linked List Problem in Swift

Hallo vrienden, Leo Hier. The topic today is how to solve the Odd Even Linked List problem in Swift. Today we will explore a linked list problem. Linked lists are a very curious data structure because you can have a lot of variants of them. For example, you can have a Doubly linked or a […]
Reverse Linked List Using Recursion

Hallo alle mensen, Leo hier. Today’s topic is how to reverse linked list using recursion and how to do that in our custom linked list data structure. Today we will continue to explore the solution to the legendary interview problem called: Reverse Linked List. We study previously the solution using an iterative technique, now let’s […]
Iteratively Reverse Linked List in Swift

Hallo vrienden, Leo hier. Today’s topic is how to Iteratively Reverse Linked List in Swift and how to reverse linked lists can be useful for you. This post will be very brief and very important to all involved in algorithms. Reversing Linked Lists is a legendary challenge as a common place to algorithm students. It’s […]
Linked Lists with Sequence and IteratorProtocol in Swift

Hallo iedereen, Leo hier. The topic today is how to create Linked Lists with Sequence and IteratorProtocol in Swift. This week I came up with a problem with Linked Lists. Although they are very simple to construct in Swift, you can power up them to use Swift sugar syntax for-in loop operation to help yourself […]
Merge Two Linked Lists in Swift

Hello everyone, Leo here. This is the swift algorithm series and today we’ll explore a very common linked list problem Merge two sorted linked lists in Swift. Not very often when you are dealing with linked lists do you have to deal with pointers. One example is when you have to find if a linked list […]